(1) These instructions are meant for IT team. You will require access to DMF and possess XML/XSD mapping skillset. Excel input files from the users are required to complete this task.
(2) Review Excel file from user. It should minimally contain Customer, Item, Quantity and Price information. Samples of EXCEL, XML, XSD are available at https://sunstar****.sharepoint.com/Shared Documents/D365/XML/15june2021/. Convert Excel to XML using XSD. More information about transforming Excel to XML is available at https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/overview-of-xml-in-excel-f11faa7e-63ae-4166-b3ac-c9e9752a7d80
(3) Set up DMF import job with Sales Orders Composite V3 entity. For Sales Order Header, map SalesOrderNumber as AUTO. Other fields should be mapped as imported. For Sales Order Line, map InventoryLotId and LineCreationSequenceNumber as AUTO. Other fields should be mapped as imported. More information about setting up import job is available at https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/dynamics-365-operations-composite-data-entity-sales-order-hirwani/
(4) Once you imported the Sales Orders via XML, review the transactions in Sales and Marketing > Sales Orders > All Sales Orders.
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